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  • The Office of Management Assessment (OMA)

    OMA provides NIH-wide management, oversight and advice to safeguard agency assets, preserve public trust, and provide administrative infrastructure for NIH Institutes and Centers.

  • The Office of Management Assessment (OMA)

    OMA’s mission is to promote the stewardship of the NIH research mission by proactively supporting its programs and providing creative, innovative solutions to its management challenges.

  • The Office of Management Assessment (OMA)

    OMA provides expert advice to the NIH Director on program integrity, risk management, liaison with outside audit organizations, and management support systems.

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​​​​​ The Office of Management Assessment (OMA)

The Office of Management Assessment (OMA) provides broad management oversight and advice to the NIH Director on program integrity, risk management, and management support systems that safeguard agency assets, preserve public trust in NIH, and provide an administrative infrastructure for the agency.

Comprised of the ​Division of Compliance Management (DCM ), Division of Program Integrity (DPI), and the Division of Risk Management and Audit Liaison (RMAL) OMA’s mission is to promote the stewardship of the NIH research mission by proactively supporting its programs and providing creative, innovative solutions to its management challenges. OMA strives to be an exemplary organization that offers outstanding advisory services and management support to help NIH achieve its goals. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



DPI is responsible for conducting reviews of allegations involving (1) misuse of NIH grant or contract funds, (2) grantee or contractor conflicts of interest, and (3) other misconduct or misuse of NIH resources by NIH employees or others doing business with NIH.



Division of Compliance Management (DCM)

Acts as the NIH focal point and liaison with PHS, HHS, and other federal agencies in the coordination and implementation of the NIH Directives system and oversees implementation of a wide range of NIH management programs including Delegations of Authority, Federal FAIR Act, Federal Register, Forms Management, Litigation Holds, NIH Policy Manual, Reorganization​ Management,​ Privacy, Records Management and Regulations, and Commercial Services Management for NIH.​

DCM​ HOME   ​​​​​​​​​


Division of Program Integrity (DPI)

The Division of Program Integrity is responsible for reviewing allegations involving NIH programs and activities. DPI is responsible for conducting reviews of allegations involving (1) misuse of NIH grant or contractor funds, (2) grantee or contractor conflicts of interest, and (3) other misconduct or misuse of NIH resources by NIH employees or others doing business with NIH.​



Division of Risk Management & Audit Liaisons (RMAL)

RMAL directs and oversees the management control function, including oversight for all NIH components and activities of potential concern under the Federal Manager's Financial Integrity Act; directs and oversees the NIH Risk Management program; provides for the central coordination of all OIG/GAO reviews (except for OIG criminal investigations); and conducts audit follow-up activities for reviews conducted by the OIG and GAO.


Last modified: 9/23/2023 10:58 AM