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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Privacy Program

Privacy Program – The NIH Privacy Program is responsible for mitigating and managing privacy breaches within NIH, and coordinates with IC Privacy Coordinators across NIH to prevent and manage situations where persons other than authorized users have access, or potential access, to personally identifiable information (PII).


Privacy Program

The NIH Office of the Senior Official for Privacy (OSOP) is located within the Privacy Policy Branch (PPB), Division of Compliance Management (DCM(formerly the Division of Management Support (DMS)), Office of Management Assessment (OMA) .  ​The OSOP collaborates with the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) and Office of General​ Counsel (OGC) as well as other key stakeholders (i.e., ISSOs, System Owners/Managers, Record Liaisons, Risk Management Officers, OMB Project Clearance Liaisons, Web Managers, Communication Directors, Training Coordinators).  Institute and Center (IC) Privacy Coordinators serve as the liaison between staff and the OSOP on general privacy issues which affect the IC.  

The Senior Official for Privacy:

  • Responds to requests for records submitted under the Privacy Act
  • Coordinates privacy-related activities
  • Develops privacy policy and procedures
  • Develops privacy awareness training
  • Communicates evolving Federal privacy requirements to staff
  • Reports on privacy compliance
  • Oversees privacy incident response efforts and activities​

IC Privacy Coordinators:

  • Maintain an awareness of privacy laws and regulations
  • Advise IC staff on privacy issues
  • Foster the adoption of privacy policy and procedures
  • Distribute privacy news blasts
  • Ensure websites maintain current privacy policies
  • Respond to requests for records under the Privacy Act
  • Resolve privacy incidents/breaches
  • Respond to quarterly and annual FISMA data calls
  • Ensure completion of privacy aw​aren​ess training
  • Review Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs) on IT systems and TPWAs
  • Participate in the publication of System of Records Notices (SORNs)
  • Attend the Privacy Coordinator group meetings.

Contact the NIH Privacy Program:

NIH Senior Official for Privacy: Celeste Dade-Vinson
National Institutes of Health

6705 Rockledge Dr.
6th Floor
Bethesda, MD 20892​​

​Phone: (301) 496-4606 or (301) 402-6201
Fax: (301) 402-0169

Privacy SharePoint Site

​Visit the NIH ListServ website ( to subscribe to the following lists:

  • ​PRIVACY-L (for IC Privacy Coordinators)
  • ​​NSAT-L (for NIH staff who conduct Privacy Impact Assessments and Security Accreditation & Authorization Packages)

Privacy Program

Privacy Program Laws, Policies, and Memoranda
Privacy Act
Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)
Privacy Incidents and Breach Response
Social Media and Web Management
Training Resources
Privacy Program FAQs
IC Privacy Coordinators

Contacting Privacy

Division of Compliance Management

NIH Senior Official for Privacy, Celeste Dade-Vinson

Office of Management Assessment

Office of Management

Office of the Director

6705 Rockledge Dr. Suite 601
Bethesda, MD 20892

Phone:(301) 402-6201


Last modified: 3/1/2022 11:06 AM